Thursday, August 7, 2008

This Little Light of Mine

Today's passage: Luke 11:33-36

It starts off fairly simply: when you have a light in a dark room, you display it so everyone can see; you don't cover it up and hide the light. If the light is on a stand and not hidden, the room is filled with light.

Then Jesus compares our bodies with the room, and our eye as the lamp. If our eyes are good, our bodies will be like the room filled with light. If they are bad -- or dark -- then our bodies are in darkness.

So the eyes determine the state the rest of our body is in. Why is the eye so important?

What is the eye used for? Hmm, practically every part of my day. Out of all the five senses I have, it's probably used the most. It's the one I use to help me do almost every task in my day.

"See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness."

What do I do that hides my light or fills my body with darkness? Do I shut my eyes and ignore those that God has placed in my life that need help? Do I spend time looking at darkness? Where is my focus?

I would love to hear your thoughts on this... why do you think Jesus called our eyes lamps that can either shine light on us or cast us into darkness?