Wednesday, July 9, 2008

More Than a Good Gift, part 1

Oh, I am bursting with words to tell you. Will you sit with me awhile on today's passage? I'll try not to make it too long...

How thankful I am that Jesus shares with us what prayer looks like, and how it works. I am only beginning to know the power and wonder that prayer holds. Any time spent in prayer, whether 5 minutes or an hour, or two!, yields great and wonderful things we will never quite understand this side of heaven. Because we ask, seek, and knock at God's door, what awesome things does he have in his house that could be ours? Have confidence in his love for us and ask!

Now go with me through Jesus' prayer...

Praise and glorify God, our father.
Pray that his will and influence and reality be at work and visible here on earth, where we sometimes don't have eyes to see it.
Pray for our (not my, but our) needs to be met, and provision to make it through the day.
We recognize our need to be forgiven and ask for it, and promise to give it to others.
We pray for spiritual safety, for protection from the thing that will break our precious relationship with him.

Pray this prayer with me now...

Then come back tomorrow for the rest of the lesson!


The Kinney Clan said...

I love this section of scripture! What a wonderful reminder of how truly simple our prayer life can be - but yet how complicated we can make it most of the time! I fall victim to the trap of focusing on my wants, needs, desires... Instead of asking the Lord to open the eyes of my heart to truly see what He is already doing! If we truly believed that He has answered every prayer before we even speak it....and if we boldly came before the throne, with confidence in Christ Jesus - that He has promised to go to the Father for us, on our behalf with any request, all I can say is praise God for His faithfulness to us! I think that I could definitely chew on this portion of scripture for a LONG time! Thanks Deb :)

Bec said...

I am so type A that I organize my prayers into categories so that I make sure to focus on other things than my wants/requests. I try to throw in the adoration-OUR FATHER... HALLOWED BE THY NAME. Then I search my heart and confess anything that needs confession-FORGIVE OUR DEBTS... Then I do have requests-GIVE US THIS DAY... Then I end with Thanksgiving-AMEN.

So nice to have a real, tangible prayer example!