Monday, June 30, 2008

Someone to Love

Luke 10:25-37. It's a familiar story; one most of us know and can even repeat. God, give us a new perspective; teach us something new in this simple story.

What a good story... do you see the patience of Jesus? He was being confronted by a prideful intellectual who wanted to test Jesus and justify himself. (Once again I see myself.) Jesus even gives him the opportunity to answer his own question and tells him: Good job, you've got it! No sparring of words or chastising from Jesus. Oh how Jesus loves us... to graciously overlook our wrong attitudes and pride and give us more knowledge of Him and His truth. His is a love and patience we don't deserve.

Two things jumped out at me while reading this story. One was the command that comes from the Law: LOVE. Love God, love your neighbor. Love, love, love. If you don't have love, it doesn't matter whether or not you know who your neighbor is.

The second was what that love looks like... My old pastor in Tucson said something during a sermon that has stuck with me ever since. He was hesitant to say it, knowing it was a radical statement, but felt compelled by the Holy Spirit: "Faith in action is loving others by exhausting all your resources to meet their needs."

That's a big love... a God-sized love. A love I know I don't have on my own. A love I want to pray for every day. I want to love like that.

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